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PALM SUNDAY: sfo16/1apalmsun. sfo16/1bpalmsun. with PowerPoint.
History of SFO in PNG: sfo06/1hscm.
Seminar for Assistants: sfo06/6
SFO Ministries working with Franciscan Family: sfo06/9sfomin.
Marriage and Family in PNG: sfo06/pngmarriage
PARABLE: Monthly Spiritual Message: The Parable of the Talents: sfo24/msm19-07
PARDON: Monthly Spiritual Message: Let Me Sow Pardon: sfo24/message89.doc
PARENTS: Monthly Spiritual Message: First Teachers Of Their Children:
Part 1: sfo24/msm14-8.doc Part 2: sfo24/msm14-9.doc
PASSION: THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST: PowerPoint: in the body of sfo17/interview
PAST: Feature: Look to the Past with Thanks: sfo24/look.docx sfo24/look2.docx
PAUL VI: SFO Rule: Commentary: sfo22/spirituality
PAX ET BONUM: Monthly Spiritual Messages: Part One: sfo24/msm22-08 Part Two: sfo24/msm22-09
Part Three: sfo24/msm22-10 Part Four: sfo24/msm22-11
Part Five: sfo24/msm22-12a
PEACE: Treatise on Peace (Gilbert of Tornai): sfo13/1faw
For Peace: sfo24/forpeace.ppt sfo24/peace.pps
Francis' Spirituality of Peace: sfo38/4peace.ppt Commentary: sfo38/2comment.pdf
Instruction Guide: sfo38/1instruct.pdf Web page: sfo38/38.htm
YouTube: Never the Same: sfo24/never.docx
Monthly Spiritual Messages:
Instrument of Peace: sfo24/message81
If You Want to Cultivate Peace: Benedict XVI: sfo02/2creation/message.docx
Peace is Born of a New Heart: sfo24/message119.doc
Francis Negotiated Peace: sfo24/msm14-2.docx
Pax et Bonum: Part One: sfo24/msm22-08.docx Part Two: sfo24/msm22-09.docx Part Three: sfo24/msm22-10.docx Part Four: sfo24/msm22-11.docx
Homilies: New Year's Day: Day of Peace: sfo24/301.01peace
Pray for Peace: sfo24/forpeace.doc
Bring Peace: sfo24/bring.docx
Features: Instruments of Peace: sfo24/perry.doc
Assisi Pilgrimage: Benedict XVI: sfo24/pilgrim.doc
Fraternity, The Foundation and Pathway to Peace: sfo24/fraternity.doc
Non-Violence for Peace: sfo24/nonv.docx
Promoters of Peace: sfo24/prom.docx
St Francis, Peacemaker: sfo24/maker.docx
Bishop Romero on Peace: sfo24/rom.docx
Liturgy: sfo02/2creation/liturgy.doc
PEACE PRAYER OF ST FRANCIS: sfo20/canfran/cafr0102. Reflection: sfo20/canfran/peacepry.gif
PowerPoint: The Prayer of St Francis: sfo24/prayerfrancis.pps
Caritas in the Middle East 2006: sfo24/peaceprayermideast.ppt
YouTube: The Peace Prayer of St Francis: sfo24/stf.docx
Monthly Spiritual Message: The Peace Prayer: sfo24/msm14-1.docx Instrument of Peace: sfo24/message81.
Let Me Sow Love: sfo24/message82.doc. Let Me Sow Pardon: sfo24/message89.doc
Let Me Sow Faith: sfo24/message90.doc Let Me Sow Hope: sfo24/message91.doc
PENANCE: Monthly Spiritual Messages: Penance sfo24/message70
Christ and Penance: sfo24/message71
Francis and Penance: sfo24/message72
An Order of Penitents: sfo24/msm22-04
PENTECOST: Monthly Spiritual Message: sfo03/06pente. Homilies: sfo24/05.27pent , sfo24/205.11distguest
PEOPLE: PowerPoint: sfo12/03people.pps
PERMANENT DEACONS: OFS Personal Fraternity: sfo14/deacons.doc
PETER JOHN OLIVI: sfo13/1faw
PHARMACY: PowerPoint: God's Pharmacy: sfo24/pharm.pps
PHILOSOPHY: PowerPoint: Philosophy for Old Age: sfo24/age.pps
My Favorite Philosophy: sfo24/favourite.pps
PHOTOS: PowerPoint: Laurent Schwebel: sfo24/laurent.pps
PLANET: PowerPoint: Our Planet Earth: sfo24/planet.pps
Planet: sfo38/6planet.ppt Commentary: sfo38/2comment.pdf
Instruction Guide: sfo38/1instruct.pdf Web page: sfo38/38.htm
POINTS OF VIEW: Letters: sfo25/8points
POISON: PowerPoint: The Poison that Kills Dreams: sfo24/poison.pps
POOR: PowerPoint: What It Means to be Poor: sfo24/poor.pps
The Difference between Rich and Poor People: sfo24/rich.pptx
Poor and Rich Friends: sfo24/poor2.pps
Homily: Blessed are the Poor in Spirit: sfo24/511.01blessed.doc
POOR CLARES: sfo14/claressfo.
POPE: See under name of Pope.
POSITIVE: PowerPoint: The Art of Being Positive: sfo24/positive.pps
POST-NOVITIATE: Course: sfo30/postnov.htm
POVERTY: sfo20/canfran/cafr0202.
A Canticle to Poverty (John Pecham): sfo13/1faw.
St Francis and the Challenge of Poverty: sfo37/4poverty.doc
PowerPoint: Francis' Poverty of Heart: sfo38/5poverty.ppt
Commentary: sfo38/2comment.pdf
Instruction Guide: sfo38/1instruct.pdf
Web page: sfo38/38.htm
Poor and Rich Friends: sfo24/poor2.ppt
Feature: Chosen Simplicity: sfo24/chosen.doc
POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS: sfo12/powerpt. sfo18/ppt.htm
Feature: Franciscan Prayer-Life: sfo26/1afranciscanprayer
School of Franciscan Prayer: sfo24/school.docm sfo24/oh.docx
Meditation on Psalm 139: sfo24/psalm.docx
Homily: Search for God in Prayer: sfo24/search.doc
Monthly Spiritual Message: Franciscan Prayer: sfo24/msm14-5.doc
Francis, Teach Us to Pray: Part One: sfo24/msm19-11 Part Two: sfo24/msm19-12
Francis, Teach Us to Understand: sfo24/msm20-01
PowerPoint: Franciscan Prayer-Life: sfo26/1afranciscanprayer.ppt
The Prayer: sfo24/prayer.pps
Imagine: sfo24/imagine.pps
YouTube: Be Still: sfo24/still.docx
Retreat Talk: Prayer and Isolation: sfo45/jng.doc
PREPARING FOR EASTER:sfo16/easter.htm
PRESENCE: Active Presence in the Church and the World: sfo35/2presence.pptx Text: sfo35/2active.doc
PowerPoint: The OFS: Presence in the World: sfo24/world.pptx
PRESENT: PowerPoint: A Present: sfo24/present.pps
PRESENT TIME: Feature: Live the Present with Passion: sfo24/passion1
Monthly Spiritual Message: sfo03/02present
Homily: Presentation of the Lord: sfo24/02.02pres.htm
Spiritual Assistant: sfo14/8nonfriars
Secular Franciscan Vocation:sfo14/priests
Formation in SFO: sfo14/priestform
"I Will Give You Shepherds":sfo14/priests
Monthly Spiritual Messages: Secular Franciscan Priorities: Part One: sfo24/msm19-09.docx Part Two: sfo24/msm19-10.docx
Feature: Spread God's Love: sfo24/spread.docx
Ritual: sfo27/profess1.ppt
Commentary: sfo27/profess2.ppt
Powerpoint: Gift and Commitment: sfo35/1profession.ppt
Profession in the OFS: sfo24/prof.pptx
Monthly Spiritual Message: From Profession to Service: sfo24/message112
Homily: Profession: sfo24/ahom.doc
PROJECT ADOPTION: Monthly Spiritual Messages:
The History of P.A. Part 1: sfo24/msm17-09
Part 2: sfo24/msm17-10
Manual: sfo02/1prommanl
Using the Manual:sfo02/promman/7append
Need for Promotion: sfo02/promman/1need sfo24/msm17-06
In Australia: sfo43/zprom.docx
How To Plan a Fraternity Promotion: sfo02/promman/5plan
Monthly Spiritul Message: Taking Time to Promote St Francis: sfo24/message139
Who Is Promoting the Secular Franciscan Way of Life?: sfo24/msm15-01
Today, the SFO must promote its own way of life: sfo24/msm15-02
Promotion of the Secular Franciscan Way of Life sfo24/msm15-03
Promote Saint Francis: sfo24/msm17-06
PROVIDENCE: PowerPoint: Cracked Pot:: sfo24/cracked:pps
Monthly Spiritual Message: The Final Purification: sfo24/message126.doc
P.U.S.H. (PUSH FOR LIFE): PowerPoint: sfo18/05push.pps