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SACRED HEART: Monthly Spiritual Messages: Come to Me: sfo29/06come
The Sacred Heart, Franciscan Connection: sfo24/msm22-06
Homilies: sfo24/06.15sacheart , sfo24/205.30come
SACRED SCRIPTURE: Letter: Read the Word of God: sfo25/7read
SAFETY: PowerPoint: Safety at Work: sfo24/safety.pps
SAINT AGNES OF PRAGUE: Homily: Sensible Vigilance: sfo24/503.02agnes.doc
SAINT ANDREW KIM TAEGON: Homily: Save Your Life: sfo24/509.20.doc
SAINT ANGELA OF FOLIGNO: Feature: Spiritual Guide: sfo24/spiritual.docx
Homily: Visionary Sister of Penance: sfo24/vis.docx
PADUA: Sermons on St Anthony
(Matthew of Aquasparta): sfo13/1faw
Homilies: Doctor of the Church: sfo24/206.13padua.doc Extraordinary Signs: sfo24/506.13signs.doc
Monthly Spiritual Message: St Anthony for Secular Franciscans: sfo24/message122.doc
SAINT BERARD AND HIS COMPANIONS: Homily: sfo24/01.16berard
Ascetical Writings: sfo13/1faw
Homilies: A Light to All: sfo24/307.15light
Let Your Light Shine: sfo24/shine.docx
Sevenfold Gifts: sfo24/seven.docx
Features: Saint Bonaventure: sfo24/bonaventure.doc
St Bonaventure: sfo24/bona.docx
The Theology of Thomas and Bonaventure: sfo24/tombon.doc
SAINT CLARE: Sermons on St Clare (Matthew of Aquasparta): sfo13/1faw
Vocation and conversion: sfo30/threeclare.doc
Homilies: Guardian of the Franciscans: sfo24/208.11clareguardian
An Example to Those Living in the World: sfo24/08.11clare
Patron of Television: sfo24/408.11patron.doc
Ordinary but Extraordinry: sfo24/clareord.doc
Monthly Spiritual Messages: Model and Mirror of Jesus: sfo24/message103.doc
Saint Clare of Assisi: Part One: sfo24/msm21-08 Part Two: sfo24/msm21-09
Part Three: sfo24/msm21-10 Part Four: sfo24/clarmir.docx
Formator, Spiritual Director: sfo24/msm23-08
Our Seraphic Mother, and Christmas: sfo24/msm24-12
Retreat Talk: St Clare's Faith: sfo45/pga.doc
YouTube: St Clare of Assisi and the Poor Clares: sfo24/ stcl.docx
Francis and Clare of Assisi: sfo24/fca.docx
SAINT COLETTE: Homily: True Follower: sfo24/302.07colette.doc
Descendent of St Elizabeth: sfo24/msm20-11
Feature: Benedict XVI: St Elizabeth of Hungary: sfo24/hungary.doc
History: Glory of Franciscan Penitents: sfo02/history
Reflections: 800th Centenary of Birth: sfo2/ELIZABETH.htm
Homily: Elizabeth of Thuringia: 11.17hungary.htm
SAINT ELIZABETH OF PORTUGAL: Homily: sfo24/07.04elizport
Introducing St Francis: Leaflet: sfo01/1intro.doc
Life of St Francis: sfo19/2life
Formator of Franciscans: sfo06/4franform
St Francis and Youth: sfo09/10frannew
St Francis Day letter: sfo25/6day
Sermons on St Francis (Matthew of Aquasparta): sfo13/1faw
The Spirituality of St Francis: sfo24/spirituality.doc
Patron of Those Who Promote Ecology: sfo02/creation/patron
Saint Francis and Ecology: sfo24/ecology.doc
Saint Francis Loved Creation: sfo24/loved.doc
Guide for a Balanced Ecology: sfo02/creation/guide
PowerPoint: sfo19/life.ppt sfo38/3life.ppt
Prayer of St Francis: sfo24/prayerfrancis.pps
“Founder” of the Three Orders: sfo19/3founder with PowerPoint: sfo19/founder.ppt
The Stigmata and St Francis of Assisi: sfo24/stigfra.pptx
YouTube: The Peace Prayer of St Francis: sfo24/stf.docx
Francis and Clare of Assisi: sfo24/fca.docx
Saint Francis of Assisi : sfo24/sfa.docx
Video: St Francis and the Challenges of the Gospel: sfo24/challenge.docx
Model for Youth: sfo24/310.04youthmodel.doc
User-friendly Saint: sfo24/userfriendly.doc
St Francis and the Challenge of Poverty: sfo37/4poverty.doc
St Francis and Peter Waldo: sfo24/waldo.doc
St Francis and the Sultan: sfo24/sultan.docx
Rich Man, Poor Man: sfo24/richpoor.doc
St Francis and Pope Francis: sfo24/pope1.docx sfo24/pope2.docx
St Francis of Assisi in Laudato Si': sfo24/laudsi.docx
The Real Francis: sfo24/real.docx
The Stigmatization of St Francis: sfo24/stigma.docx
St Francis, Peacemaker: sfo24/maker.docx
Monthly Spiritual Messages:
The Promotion of St Francis is Vital for Our Times: sfo24/message137
Promote Saint Francis: sfo24/msm17-06
Take Time to Promote St Francis: sfo24/message139
Peaceful Revolutionary: sfo03/10francis
Stigmata: sfo03/09stigmata
Francis and Penance: sfo24/message72.doc
St Francis Transformed: sfo24/message101.doc
Francis, the Sign that Points to Christ: sfo24/message102.doc
Francis, A Man of Suffering and Forgiveness: sfo24/message120.doc
Francis Negotiated Peace: sfo24/msm14-2.docx
Francis and the Sultan: Part 1: sfo24/msm14-10 Part 2: sfo24/msm14-11
Part 3: sfo24/msm14-12
Was St Francis Born in a Stable?: sfo24/msm17-12
Stigmata: sfo24/09.17stigmata sfo24/stig.docx
Our Model: sfo24/10.04model (short) sfo24/our.doc (long)
A Model for Christians: sfo24/310.04modelchristian.doc
St Francis and his Canticle: sfo24/210.04canticle
Dedication of the Basilica of St Francis: Hear His Voice: sfo24/305.24basilica.doc
Brother Francis: sfo24/410.04brother.doc
Fool for Christ: sfo24/fool.doc
I Give You Thanks: sfo2/thanks.doc
Gentle and Humble: sfo24/gentle.docx
A Religious Man: sfo24/religious.docx
Retreat Talk:
St Francis' Experience: sfo45/csc.doc
SAINTS JOACHIM AND ANNE: Homily: sfo24/07.26joacanne
SAINT JOHN FISHER: Homily: Sacrifice and Service: sfo24/fisher.docx
SAINT JOHN PAUL II: PowerPoint: Definition of Forgetting:: sfo24/now.ppt
(See: John Paul II)
SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST: Homilies: Birth: Servant of the Lord: sfo24/206.24baptist.doc
Someone We Do Not Know: sfo24/notknow.docx
SAINT JOSEPH: Monthly Spiritual Messages:
Husband of Mary: sfo03/03joseph
Franciscan Devotion to St Joseph: sfo24/message131.doc
The Life of St Joseph: sfo24/msm23-09
Husband of Mary: sfo24/03.19comgap
Trusting and Trustworthy: sfo24/joe.docx
The Worker: Our Work Leads Us to God: sfo24/worker.docx
Feature: The Year of St Joseph: sfo24/joseph.docx
SAINT JOSEPH OF CUPERTINO: Homily: sfo24/09.18cupertino
SAINT MARTHA: Monthly Spiritual Message: sfo03/07martha
SAINT MARTIN OF TOURS: Homily: Model of St Francis: sfo24/model.docx
SAINT MARY MAGDALENE: Homilies: Return to the Father: sfo24/407.22return.doc
Apostle of the Apostles: sfo24/mag.docx
SAINT MARY OF THE CROSS (MACKILLOP): Homilies: No Worry: sfo24/noworry.doc
Create a Space: sfo24/208.08mackillop
Channels of Hope: sfo24/channels.docx
Monthly Spiritual Message: Son of the Immaculate: sfo24/message24.doc
Homily: Martyr of Charity: sfo24/508.14martyr.doc
Monthly Spiritual Message: It's the Mass That Matters: sfo24/message83.doc
Homilies: It's the Mass That Matters: sfo24/303.17patrick.doc
Source of Joy and Peace: sfo24/source.docx
SAINT PETER BAPTIST AND COMPANIONS: sfo24/202.06peterbaptist.doc
SAINT PETER CHANEL: Homily: Repent and Believe: sfo24/304.28chanel
SAINTS PETER AND PAUL: Homilies: Leadership is Service: sfo24/206.29peterpaul
Saviour Son of God: sfo24/saviour.docx
SAINTS PETER BAPTIST AND COMPANIONS: Homily: Way of the Cross: sfo24/502.06peter.doc
SAINT PIO OF PIETRELCINA: Homily: Gentle and Humble: sfo24/409.23pio.doc
SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS: Feature: The Theology of Thomas and Bonaventure: sfo24/tombon.doc
SAINT THOMAS MORE: Homily: Martyr of Conscience: sfo24/more.doc
SAINT VALENTINE: Homily: Lovers' Saint: sfo24/302.14valentine.doc
SAINT VERONICA JULIANI: Monthly Spiritual Message: Close to His Heart: sfo24/msm24-07
SAINTS: Monthly Spiritual Messages: The Communion of Saints: sfo24/message115.doc
Saints and Sinners: sfo24/message143.doc
SCHEME: YouTube: The Scheme of Things: sfo24/scheme.docx
SEA: PowerPoint: The Sea: sfo24/sea.pps
SECRETS OF A HAPPY LIFE: PowerPoint: sfo18/08happylife.pps
Formation of S.F.: sfo06/7formsfo
S.F. as Spiritual Assistants: sfo14/8nonfriars
S.F. and Vatican II: sfo20/canfran/Alban98b
Course of Formation as Spiritual Assistants: sfo14/workshop.doc
Monthly Spiritual Message: S.F. Priorities: Part One: sfo24/msm19-09.docx
PowerPoint: To Be A Secular Franciscan: sfo24/tobe.pptx
Leaflets: Who Are the Secular Franciscans?: sfo01/2whosecr.doc
Who Are We?: sfo01/3whoarewe.doc
Questions and Answers: sfo01/5questans.doc
Our Past, Present and Future: sfo01/6pastpref.doc
Monthly Spiritual Message: The Origins of the OFS: sfo24/msm19-08
An Order of Penitents: sfo24/msm22-04
Young People Joining?: sfo24/young.docx
Websites: International Council, National Fraternity of Oceania, National Fraternity of USA: sfo2/9links.htm
Rebuild My Church: Leaflet: sfo01/4rebuildc.doc
Rule and General Constitutions: sfo/rulesconst/2
History: sfo06/1hscm. Comprehensive: sfo34/history.doc
Historical Overview diagram: sfo07/histgram
Situation Worldwide: sfo06/1hscm
Current Movements: sfo06/1hscm
Structures: sfo06/3strucgov
Government: sfo06/3strucgov
SFO and Franciscan Youth: sfo21/sfofum
Manual for Spiritual Assistance to the SFO and Franciscan Youth: sfo/manual.doc
Ministries with Franciscan Family in PNG: sfo06/9sfomin
Documents: sfo27/1documents
sfo13/index3 sfo06/8spiritsf sfo30/spirituality
Following the Gospel in a Secular Environment: sfo37/1secenviron
Franciscan Outreach towards a Contemporary Society: sfo37/3society
SECULARITY: sfo20/canfran/retreat2
SELECTED TOPICS: Patrick Colbourne OFMCap: sfo37/37.htm
For Friar Assistants: sfo04/4
Contents: sfo04/0content
For All Assistants: sfo05/5
Spiritual Assistants (
of SFO Spiritual Assistants (
SENSITIVITY: Feature: Ecclesial Sensitivity: sfo24/sensitivity.docx
SERVICE: Feature: Franciscan Servant Leadership: sfo24/servant.docx
Homily: Leadership is Service: sfo24/lead.docx
SFO FILES: Index of Web pages:
sfo/index.htm sfo02/index2.htm sfo13/index3.htm sfo30/30.htm
SFO FILES Folders: Index: 46folders.index.docx
SHARE: PowerPoint: Don't Stop Sharing: sfo24/birds.ppt
SIMPLICITY: Feature: Chosen Simplicity: sfo24/chosen.doc
SINNERS: Monthly Spiritual Message: Saints and Sinners: sfo24/message143.doc
SOCIETY: Franciscan Outreach towards a Contemporary Society: sfo37/3society.doc
SOCIETY OF ST FRANCIS (Anglican): Website: sfo2/9links.htm
SOLIDARITY: Feature: Solidarity and Responsibility: sfo24/solidarity.doc
SOUL: PowerPoint: The Four Wives: sfo24/4wives.pps
In the Documents of the First Order: sfo04/7app1. sfo07/01texts
In the Documents of the SFO: sfo04/8app2
Structures of Spiritual Assistance diagram: sfo07/strucgram
Collegial Spiritual Assistance: sfo09/05collast sfo35/3collegial.pptx sfo27/4collegial
Franciscan Youth and S.A.: sfo27/3youfra
Handbook for Spiritual Assistance (Oceania): sfo07/7.htm
Manual for Spiritual Assistance to the SFO and Franciscan Youth (CIOFS): sfo/manual.doc
Spiritual and Pastoral Assistance: sfo24/spa.docx
Spiritual Assistance in Oceania: sfo24/sao.docx
Spiritual Assistance and Franciscan Youth: sfo24/SAFY
Feature: Accompanying the OFS/YouFra: sfo24/accomp.docx
Profile of
Type of
Duty of
St Francis, Formator of S.A.: sfo06/4franform
Appointment and Formation of S.A.: sfo07/04appform
Guidelines: sfo07/05appguid
Role in formation of Secular Franciscans: sfo09/08rolform
Non-friar S.A.: sfo02/index2
Formation Program: sfo14/prog.pdf
Covering Letters: Conference of General Assistants: sfo14/cga.pdf
Minister General OFS: sfo14/cov.pdf
Themes for the Formation of non-friar S.A.: sfo14/themes.RTF
Course of Formation of Secular Franciscans as S.A.: sfo14/workshop.doc
General Constitutions 89.4: Circular: sfo14/circ.pdf , Interpretation: sfo14/interprac.pdf
In the Local Fraternity: sfo27/2spasst , sfo35/role.doc
In Formation: sfo04/6formator
Response: sfo04/bourke
In Formation Team: sfo05/12patcolb. sfo05/13montard
In the Meeting: sfo05/10helenja sfo05/11tonyfox sfo06/2formmeet
Job Description:
Local S.A.: sfo07/06job sfo10/1local
Regional S.A.: sfo10/2regional
National S.A.: sfo10/3national
General S.A.: sfo10/4general
For Friar Assistants: sfo04/4
Contents: sfo04/0content
For All Assistants: sfo05/5
Spiritual Assistants (
of SFO Spiritual Assistants (
SPIRITUAL COMMUNION: Monthly Spiritual Message: A Time of Spiritual Communion: sfo24/msm20-06
Feature: Spirituality Amid Structure: sfo24/amid.doc
Technology and How It Affects Our Spiritual Life: sfo24/tech1.docx
Spiritual Fruitfulness: sfo24/fruit.docx
Of St Francis: A Reflection on the Spirituality of St Francis Today: sfo38/38htm
Instruction: sfo38/1instruct.pdf Commentary: sfo38/2comment.pdf
Of the Laity in the Church: sfo05/03patcolb sfo05/04todwalk sfo05/05clarmur
sfo05/06miscott sfo05/07peterk
Of the OFS: sfo06/8spiritsf sfo06/8aspirits sfo30/spirit
SPRING: PowerPoint: Enjoy a Sunny Springtime: sfo24/enjoy.pps
STATIONS OF THE CROSS: PowerPoint: Stations of the Cross: sfo24/stat.pps
sfo07/statast09.pdf sfo10/statast09.pdf
Commentary: sfo02/index2.
Presentation of Statutes: sfo09/statast09.pdf
Feature: Message from the Ministers General: sfo24/min.pdf
STATUTES, INTERNATIONAL: Statutes of the International Fraternity of the OFS: rulesconst/statsinternat.pdf
STATUTES, NATIONAL: SFO-Australia: sfo24/natstat.doc
STATUTES, REGIONAL: Draft: sfo24/regst.doc
STIGMATA: PowerPoint Presentation: The Stigmata and St Francis of Assisi: sfo24/stigfra.pptx
Homily: Embody the Gospel: sfo24/stig.docx The Path of the Cross: sfo24/path.docx
Feature: The Stigmatization of St Francis: sfo24/stigma.docx
Solidarity and Responsibility: sfo24/solidarity.doc
Contemplation of the Cross: sfo24/ben.docx
Monthly Spiritual Message: The Stigmata: sfo24/msm20-03
Stress Management: sfo24/message98.doc
Our Emotional Life: sfo24/message99.doc
Our Life of Faith: sfo24/message100.doc
STRUCTURE: Feature: Spirituality Amid Structure: sfo24/amid.doc
SULTAN: Feature: St Francis and the Sultan: sfo24/sultan.docx
SYNOD: Monthly Spiritual Message: For a Synodal Church: sfo24/fox2.docx
Feature: Synodality: sfo24/syn.docx
Letter from the Synod: sfo24/synod.docx
Homily: Preparing for the Synod: sfo24/synprep.docx
SYRIA: PowerPoint Presentation: sfo24/syria.pps