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Vatican II and Secular Franciscans :
Features: Vatican II Revolution: sfo24/vatrev.doc
Vatican II, Part One: sfo24/daneels.doc Part Two: sfo24/daneels2.doc
VIA DOLOROSA: sfo17/http
VICTORY: Homily: The Victory of Faith: sfo24/victory.docx
VISITATION, Feast: Monthly Spiritual Message: sfo03/05visitat sfo24/message133.doc
Homilies: sfo24/05.31visit sfo24/605.31magnificat.doc
VISITATION, Pastoral and Fraternal:
Pastoral and Fraternal Visitation of SFO Regional Fraternities: sfo31/visit.rtf
Questionnaire: Shorter text: sfo31/questionnaire.doc Longer text: sfo31/regvisit.doc
Franciscan Family, Vocation, Charism: sfo26/3familyvocationcharism PowerPoint: sfo26/3familyvocationcharism.ppt
Vocation: sfo26/4vocation PowerPoint: sfo26/4vocation.ppt
Follow Me: sfo26/2followme PowerPoint: sfo26/2followme.ppt
Message: Our Vocation of Mercy: sfo24/voc.docx
Is Christ Calling You? sfo01/christ.doc
Adult: sfo01/youngadul.doc
Mid-aged: sfo01/working.doc
Retired: sfo01/retirees.doc