From: CIOFS Bulletin, 1997, N. 3

Alicia Gallardo

I. Fundamentals

The ideas and contents of this Project are intended to be a kind of collaboration in training Franciscan youngsters so that their spirituality may grow through common practical experience.

This way of experimenting the Franciscan world appreciating its exceptional beauty will be of help in educating the children because they will discover their spirituality (way, guide and vocation) and realize it perceptibly.

In this way we intend to bring children to involving experiences by touching, seeing, tasting, listening and smelling the things of the world around them which shall stimulate them to be actors of their creative and personal growth.
And it shall be the responsibility of parents and guides choosing the opportunities most favorable for the comprehension and valorization of the Franciscan ideal.

II. General Objective

The general objective is to educate the children to open to community, to the Church and to love for the Franciscan way of life.

III. Specific Objectives

1. Encourage group work

2. Train leaders for work with children

3. Encourage interaction between children from 8 to 14 years of age

4. Promote the spiritual growth of our children through developing of contents showing the life of St. Francis.

IV. Organization

The children shall elect their leaders, who shall be:
a President
b Secretary
c - Treasurer
d - Responsible for sports activities
e - Responsible for cultural activities

V. Method

1. Find members of YOUFRA or Fraternities SFO who shall have to:
a - take part in study days regarding the objectives and methods of the Project "Children with Francis"b - meet at least once a month for programming the Project
c - guide the groups of children

2. Invite children of the catechism groups, relatives of YOUFRA and SFO members to participate in the Project "Children with Francis" forming operative groups.

3. There could exist two kinds of groups made up of children from 8 to 10 and from 11 to 14.

4. The operative groups should not count more than 20 children.

VI. Contents

To bring the child to:

1. know himself and accept the other through the various recreative, sport and cultural activities

2. learn to love and respect one’s own family, the country and the school

3. recognize the Lord as Father, Jesus as Brother and Mary as Mother

4. learn to pray in a personal way and in the community

5. learn about the life of St. Francis in the various stages

6. learn about the life of St. Francis in its human and spiritual dimension.