Sacred Heart Fraternity, Mosman

The Regional Fraternity is covered in the SFO Constitutions, Nos. 61 to 64 and in our National Statutes Chpts. 5, 6 and 7 and in the SFO Rule Chpt. 3, art. 20.

These articles provide an understanding of the place of the Regional Fraternity in the life of the Order. In part, GC. 61 states - The Regional fraternity is the organic union of all the local fraternities existing in a territory or which can be integrated into a natural unity either by GEOGRAPHIC PROXIMITY or by COMMON PROBLEMS and PASTORAL REALITIES.

The present Regional Fraternities in the Oceania National Fraternity are

NEW ZEALAND national boundaries of NZ 15 local Fraternities *
SINGAPORE/SABAH national boundaries Singapore, State boundary Sabah - E. Malaysia 7 local Fraternities
WESTERN AUSTRALIA state boundary WA 6 local fraternities *
SOUTH AUSTRALIA state boundary SA + Alice Springs in the NT 5 local Fraternities *
VICTORIA state boundary VIC. 10 local fraternities *
TASMANIA state boundary Tas. 3 local fraternities *
QUEENSLAND state boundary QLD. 7 local fraternities *
NEW SOUTH WALES / ACT. state boundary NSW + boundary ACT 23 local fraternities *

  * Includes Canonically Established Fraternities and groups recognised by the respective Regional Councils.

It can be seen that the Regional Fraternity of NSW / ACT has the greater number of local fraternities, some 23 in number. However the fraternities are grouped in geographically 3 or maybe 4 areas.

1.) Sydney Metropolitan - could be divided into 2 groups or prospective Regions

(6) (6)

2) Northern New South Wales –

(6 OR 7)

3)Southern New South Wales (northern victoria?)

bendigo ?
wangaratta ?
dubbo, ?
(5 or 8)

History has shown us that it is impractical to operate a successful Region under these circumstances. The great problem of distance (even in the Sydney metropolitan area) detracts from the ability to allow the proper operation of the Region. It is difficult to give a local integrated Franciscan presence. The possibility of local visitation and interaction is made more difficult.

The benefits of forming 3 smaller and more geographically centred Regional Fraternities would be

  1. Development of Regional Leadership.
  2. Making the SFO more relevant to the smaller area.
  3. Making the SFO message more actively known and present in the local church and community.
  4. Allowing local Ecclesial and Community input more possible.
  5. Making local fraternities more involved in the Regional life of the SFO and therefore also in the National life of the SFO.
  6. Giving meaning to "REGIONAL FRATERNITY".

When the Oceania National Fraternity came into being in the late 1960's and early 1970's, it was imperative that we establish Regional Organisation. This became the activity in the state capitals of Australia and to a lesser extent in New Zealand. However following the introduction of the "Pauline Rule" for the worldwide community of the SFO in 1978, Fraternity at 4 levels became not only a goal but a necessity.

These levels of Fraternity were

    1. LOCAL

This new Rule gave Secular Franciscans a special impetus - to grow in Fraternity at all levels and to take responsibility for the growth of the Order at each level of Fraternity. For us in Australia and New Zealand, this meant Joining together in one NATIONAL FRATERNITY, OCEANIA, dropping our nationalist approach and opening ourselves to the strength and understanding of each other. We did this in 1969 and following with National Chapters in 1971, 1973, 1976, 1978, when we joined the International Fraternity of the SFO and participated in General Chapters that developed General Constitutions, General Statutes and the SFO Ritual. These General Chapters were held in 1979 at Assisi , 1982 at Rome, 1984 at Madrid, 1988 at Rome, 1990 at Fatima, 1993 at Mexico and 1996 at Rome.

In the meantime in Oceania in the 1980's we were joined by Tasmania and Singapore / Sabah. Papua New Guinea is not yet a Region, but is slowly working to develop a structure. It is also possible that West Malaysia may develop a Regional structure in the foreseeable future. In the interim, the Regional Fraternities that were established in the 1970's continued to grow but were still centred in the major Capital Cities (except for Auckland in NZ). The obvious reason for this centralisation of Regional development was that there was a greater number of Fraternities in the cities and this gave the possibility of forming Regional Executives etc. (This is still the major reason why the National Executive is seated in Sydney).

In New South Wales I believe that we have a very pressing need to DECENTRALISE. To give new life to our local fraternities by asking them to come together in smaller more accessible Regional groups to animate and guide the SFO better. I know that throughout the present Region of NSW/ACT that we have a wealth of Seculars who could undertake the tasks of forming new Regional Fraternities and trebling the evangelical life of the SFO in the National Fraternity.

It would mean sitting down and planning how we go about the task. What support and strength we would need from our local fraternities, our National Executive and our present Regional Council. But before we even attempt this we must DISCERN IF WE WANT TO DO IT and then DECIDE THAT WE (I) WILL PARTICIPATE WILLINGLY IN THE PROJECT!

It means that the NSW Regional Chapter in November should start this discernment process and then go to the local fraternities that would be involved, get their ideas and advice and hopefully their approval, and then take the idea to the National Council and seek their approval and participation in the process.

I believe that it would be a tremendous opportunity for the Secular Franciscan Order in NSW/ACT to reach out and develop, to build and to take the Gospel Message of St. Francis to the Church and community of New South Wales and the ACT.

I therefore move the following recommendation on behalf of the Sacred Heart Fraternity, Mosman, to the Regional Chapter of the Fraternity of St.Clare, due to be held from 6th to 8th of November 1998 in Bowral, NSW.

"That this Regional Chapter, gathered at Hartzer Park Retreat Centre, Bowral, on the 6th to the 8th of November 1998, instruct the Incoming Minister and Council Executive to initiate, without delay, a move to create 2 or 3 new Regional Fraternities to replace the current NSW / ACT Regional Fraternity.

The first requirement would be to establish a task force to determine the ways and means necessary for the sound conclusion of the above or a similar scheme .

The Regional Minister and Executive to call a special Regional Gathering to hear a report on the task and to make a determination late in 1999 for possible forwarding to the National Council meeting in the year 2000."

I would be prepared, if requested, to participate in said task force.

For the Mosman Fraternity,

Peter Keogh SFO.