The Political Society


The Body of Christ


The Sacrament


The Pilgrim People of God


The Human Community


The Servant






                                                THE POLITICAL SOCIETY




$          enumerates only visible and structural

            characteristics of the Church;

$         political and exclusivist intent;

$         overstresses authority of hierarchy;

$         lacks lay involvement.




T         gives definite guidelines;

T         establishes bonds of professed faith;

T         provides government;

T         promotes the Sacraments.




                                                    THE BODY OF CHRIST




T         stresses the abiding presence of Jesus Christ;

T         represents the gifts of the Holy Spirit;

T         shows interdependence of the members;

T         presents a mystery of faith;

T         stresses the mystical, supernatural community of grace.



$         doesn’t encompass the visible society of human beings;

$         or else, it divinizes the visible community of the faithful;

$         can be anti-institutional;

$         can be exclusivist;

$         doesn’t resolve tension between spiritual communion and visible institution.




                                                         THE SACRAMENT




T         addresses the relationship between the visible and the invisible;

T         contrasts less the Church and non-Church;

T         gives room for constructive criticism;

T         avoids the impression of perfection or completeness.




$          a theological rather than a popular model;

$          has had less impact than the two previous models.




                                                     THE PEOPLE OF GOD




T         presents a historical community on pilgrimage, not static, moving;

T         democratic, stresses basic unity of members;

T         transcends hierarchical, clerical, juridical, triumphalist  limitations;

T         stresses need for repentance and renewal;

T         provides the spirit of liturgical renewal.




$          understresses relation between the People and Jesus Christ;

$          can give impression that the Church is still living under the Old Law;

$          has not impacted outside the documents of Vatican II.




                                               THE HUMAN COMMUNITY




T         fosters friendship and trust;

T         freer if institutional structures;

T         can unite community and institution.




$          can engender anti-institutionalism;

$          can become closed in on themselves (narcissism);

$          can develop into splinter groups and sects.




                                                             THE SERVANT




T         carries on Jesus Christ’s mission of service to the world;

T         shares in the problems of human life, serving people;

T         scrutinizes the signs of the times;

T         introduces an attitude of listening to the world and learning;

T         inspires a theology of liberation.




$          the Church’s contribution in the socio-political sphere is not clear;

$          it gives a social meaning to biblical terms;

$          shifts of meaning and simplifications need to be looked into.








T         aims at unity and brotherhood of all people;

T         traces its source and model to the Blessed Trinity;

T         promotes the giving of self in love through communication.




$          develops the Body of Christ model;

$          tension remains between spiritual communion and visible institutional society.