1. Known also by the name "The Secular Franciscan Fraternity" or by the abbreviation "T.O.F." which corresponds to Third Order Franciscan.


2. Vatican II, Lumen Gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church), 43 (abbr: Church).


3. Pius XII, Allocution to Tertiaries (Nel darvi). #1  July 1. 1956):  Acta Apostolicae Sedis (abbr: AAS), vol. 48, pp. 574-575.


4. Vatican II, Apostolicam Actuositatem (Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity). 4m (abbr: Laity).


5. Code of Canon Law. 702:1.


6. I Cel 18 (Omnibus. p.244), 115 (Omnibus, p. 329) (Abbr: O.).


7. Jn 3:16, 14:6.


8. Laity. 30h.


9. Paul VI, Allocution to Tertiaries {Salutiamo volentieri). #3 (May 19, 1971); AAS, vol. 63, pp. 545-546.


10. Primitive Rule of the Third Order of St. Francis (abbr: Prim. Rule).


11. Church, 8.


12. Vatican II. Presbyterorum Ordinis (Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests). 18b.


13. Laity, 4a, b, c.


14. 2 Cel 198 (O., p. 521).


15. Church, 67; Laity, 4 .


16. Church, 41.


17. Church, 42b.


18. St. Francis. "Letter to All the Faithful." 5 (O., p. 93).


19. Rom 8:17: Church, 48.


20. St. Francis, "Admonitions," 16 (O., p. 83-84); "Letter to All the Faithful." 70 (O.,  p. 98).


21. Rom 8:29.


22. 2 Cel 85 (O., p. 433): "Letter to All the Faithful," 26 (O., p 94); 1 OFM Rule, 7:13 (O., p. 38).


23. 1 OFM Rule, 9:3 (O., 39); Mt 25:40.


24. Church, 31: Vatican II Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World), 93 (abbr: Church Today).


25 Laity, 14.


26. Church Today, 67:2; 1 OFM Rule, 7:4 (O., p. 37); 2 OFM Rule, 5:1 (O., p. 61).


27. Rule of Leo XIII, 2:8


28. Church, 41e; Laity, 30b, c.


29. I Cel 80 (O., p. 296).


30. Rule of Leo XIII, 2:9; 3 Comp. 14:58 (O., p. 941).


31. St. Francis, "Admonitions," 21 (O., p. 85); 1 OFM Rule, 7:15 (O., p. 38).


32 Church Today, 78:1-2.


33. Code of Canon Law. 687.


34. Code of Canon Law, 687.


35. Pius XII, Allocution to Tertiaries (Nel darvi), #3 (July 1, 1956); AAS, vol. 48, p. 577.


36. Code of Canon Law, 694.


37. Prim. Rule, 29-30


38. I Cel 22 (O., p. 247).


39. Prim. Rule, 31.


40. Code of Canon Law, 696.


41. Code of Canon Law, 697.


42. Prim. Rule, 23.


43. Prim. Rule, 20.


44. Rule of Nicholas IV, chap. 16